On Motherhood
In my conversation today, I talk with a dear friend Liza Mills about pursuing motherhood. Liza has known since she was a little girl that she wanted to be a mother and when the time came she was faced with a few roadblocks something that women often face in pursuing motherhood and thankfully women are becoming more open about discussing these challenges. I am so thankful to Liza for sharing her story, for giving us some insight into what this journey looks like and some advice on engaging with women and helping support women who are experiencing a less direct path to motherhood.
Please note that this is two women’s personal experience and not the experience of all women. Women celebrate, grieve and make decisions about motherhood differently and what they choose to do is their decision with their family, alone. Let us be kind and appreciative to women with the bravery to share something so intimate.
I hope you feel blessed by this conversation and I hope you enjoy.
High points:
Liza’s personal journey to having her children. Experience with three back to back miscarriages, researching adoption, IUI, (a quick introduction t0) IVF and ultimately two beautiful babies, Windsor and Henry.
Understanding how you grieve.
How Liza’s husband really showed up and supported her in this journey.
Understanding infertility - difficulty to get or stay pregnant.
The financial expense often involved with fertility treatment.
Discussing loss with friends - Protecting yourself and knowing your boundaries.
How motherhood has helped Liza become the best version of herself.
Liza welcomes anyone who would like to connect with her about their journey to motherhood or supporting a friend along the way. You can find her on Instagram here.